Ok...Has God ever told you to do something... but you were to busy doing your own stuff that you missed what He wanted you to do. In Ezekiel 3:22 is says, Then the hand of the LORD was upon me there, and He said to me, "Arise, go into the plain, and there I shall talk with you."
Well it was a wednesday morning and I was about to head out to church to work for the day and I had this wierd idea to grab a pack of cinnamon roll pop-tarts and a bottle of water. Now just for your information I hated this kinda pop-tart but it was the only kind left... so i grabbed it and a bottle of water and thought to myself, if i get hungry later on, I will have a snack...
So I am on my way to the church when i come up to a red light. At this particular intersection their is a homeless man who stands there all the time. He stands there with a sign that reads, "Please Help, I am Hungy (he mispelled hungry) God Bless!!"
Now i have seen this man before but I usally just pass him by and never think twice, but this morning something wierd happened. As I sat there beside him and tried not to make eye contact with him, God told me in a clear way...Give him your pop-tarts and bottle of water. WHAT??? WAS THAT YOU GOD??? I ask myself that question like for 30 minutes...it felt like 30 min...But then the light turned green and I started to go...then out of the corner of my eye, I saw a lady stop behind me and hand the man a $20 bill.
I had just missed the plan that God had intended for me, because I was to busy ignoring the guy instead of listening to God. Well in that scripture that you read at the top of the page, Ezekiel was told by God to do something very clear. And in verse 23 it states, "So I arose and went out into the plain, and behold the Glory of the LORD stood there..." See Ezekiel did exactly what God told him to do and he was blessed beyond measure.
I wonder how many times a day I miss God and the incredible plans he has instore for me because I am to busy minding my own business. David Crowder stated in a book of his called, Finding God in Sunsets and Sushi, "God wants to turn our ordinary into extraordinary."
My question to you is, Have you missed God today?
Just a little thing from my life that God reminds me of daily. I hope it helps you see God in your everyday life... Chris
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