It feels like it has been forever since I have written something on my blog. So I am sitting here in my office and I had the urge to write. The past couple of days have been liberating. I finally finished this semester of school. I honestly thought it was never going to end. I found myself asking this question everyday, "God, do I really have to go to school for 2 more years?" To be honest, I don't think God has responded. So I will continue through school until I know God wants me to do something different.
It seems as though everything in my life leads to this word we call patience. I have been learning this word for the past 6 months or so. I think I am just now coming to a place in my life where I am okay with it most of the time (some days I am not okay with it). Right now I am surrounded with the works of God. I see him working in all these areas of my life. For awhile I was so frustrated because, from my eye sight, God was not working in my life. All these amazing things were happening around me but I wasn't experiencing the joy that everyone else was experiencing. But a couple of weeks ago I realized why I was seeing things this way. See I was raised to believe that God has amazing things in store for my life. I was taught all the promises in the Bible like Proverb 3:5-6 where God says he will direct our paths, and Jeremiah 29:11 where we have the promise that God has plans of a great future for us, and even 1 Corinthians 2:9 that speaks of God having things prepared for us beyond our comprehension. My whole life I have been looking ahead in time asking God, "when will I get to these great promises you have for me?" Here is where I found my problem. I have been so focused on WHEN God was going to do these great things in my future that I have missed all the small things He has been doing in my midst.
For me, I want to be used by God to do GREAT things. I want to impact this world for Christ. In my head that means being the next Rob Bell or Francis Chan, but that is not what God has in mind. He doesn't need another one of those guys , mainly because He already has them, but what He needs is for me to be obedient to Him right now. One day I will look back over my life and see that God has done incredible things through me, and I will be able to see that it was nothing of my own works, but of Christ through me. All I need to know is that at the end of the day, if I was obedient to the will of Christ... then I have accomplished what God wants for me today.
So to answer the question "Where am I?"... I am exactly where God wants me for today...
Another great one! Glad you are feeling a bit more contentment!