This week has been another tough week. Even though I am hearing God clearly, I still have to make the choice of whether or not I am going to act upon what I am learning. Every morning and about 100 times throughout the day I have to surrender everything I am and ask for everything God is. One of my professors this week gave my a quote that I am trying to live my life by. It goes like this, "You may never know that Jesus is all you need, until Jesus is all you have." I am trying my hardest to get to a place in my life where I am totally content with Jesus and Jesus alone. So many times my desires, even good desires, become my focus instead of Christ. I want to be at a place where I am okay if my desires are never fulfilled, because I know that Christ death on the cross was more than I'll ever deserve.
GOD I give you all of me for all you ARE!!!
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